A gathering of friends led to a discussion of those "things" which most people could not live without. Interesting but not surprising results. The general consensus from both genders included a microwave oven, cable tie "ty" wraps, duct tape and post-its. Essentials for every household. Duct tape and cable tie "ty" wraps are rudimentary quick fixes, that ranked highest. Post-its adorn every refrigerator, daily planner, computer and wall in the world. To think, the invention of the Post-it was originally a "mistake".
A microwave to heat food snacks that you need to "energize" for projects that require tie wraps, duct tape or leaving a reminder message to oneself.
The uses for duct tape, its history and the end product has been written in the annals of history. Our own duct tape story is from an offroad rally, straddling a boulder, that pierced the oil pan. Duct tape to the rescue! A bit of clay and duct tape solved the problem to continue running the rally until repairs were made.
Cable ties (ty wraps), have it over rubberbands, rope, string, tape or any other materials used to hold neatly anything together. Rubber bands rot, rope and string deteriorate with weather and time, and "tape" other than duct, dry up or expand.
Duct tape and cable tie "ty" wraps may not be green friendly, but figure that most objects held together in this manner never get taken apart anyway. Seems most folks are storing an item, finding a quick fix for a project that will hopefully be completed in a lifetime. In many cases seems they are used to store or "garage" items in the rafters until the house is sold or hold together those computer wires that are always in the way.
For more duct tape fun - calling this website unique is an understatement! Tim and Jim have taken duct tape to levels that one cannot imagine.
Can't wait for the next life's critical elements discussion with friends. Duct tape, cable ties "ty-wraps", Post-its, and Microwaves rule!